For us who do corporate training, participating in the sixth edition of the Contemporary Creativity Festival was both surprising and natural.
Natural because we have always facilitated professional learning, a creative process that every day faces the changing contemporaneity of markets and organizational needs;
As surprising as the invitation to interact with authoritative and diverse interlocutors on the topic of Passages/ Landscapes - Space and Time in the Contemporary, as open to artistic experimentation as it is tangibly close to business reality.
To discuss this, on Oct. 26, the Festival hosted Local Businesses, Universities and Institutions in two complementary panels centered on Generational Change and Environmental Sustainability, respectively .
In the first panel Claudio Colombi - Founder and President of Perspective Group - dialogued with:
- Nicoletta Alessi, Founder and President of Good Point enterprise and social
- Michele Bernardi, general manager of Salvatore Robuschi and C.
- Massimo Livatino - Lecturer and Researcher at the Department of Accounting, Bocconi University, Founder and Senior Partner of ATHENA Professionisti e Consulenti Associati
- Luca Lupone - Senior Partner of ATHENA Professionals and Consulting Associates
- Michele Robuschi-President of Salvatore Robuschi and C.
Isembedded in nature but requires a human observer/author, who thinks of it as the setting of his activities and shapes it according to his own vision
connects people and families to an area, concretely modifies its Landscape, creates value and opportunities for the communities that live in it, giving tangible form to the Passage of Time and Technology (agricultural, construction, industrial, craft, tourism) in a specific area
is often originated by the genius of an individual and the commitment of a family, but is now increasingly aware of its collective and social impact, in local contexts (production district, milieu innovateur) that often play primary functions in global and hyperconnected economic systems
in entrepreneurial families are critical and valuable moments, in which the family faces the risk of "entrusting the business to the world" in order to allow it to grow and thus improve that world, seeking unprecedented challenges to realize its original vision.
Every Enterprise is called upon to express and pass on, in its various Passages
Evolutionary, various interrelated responsibilities
Ethical responsibility - the concepts of profit and value must be constantly compared with the values of the founding family, even during and after corporate changes
Ecological responsibility-developing technology means inhabiting the environment in which it is applied, limiting negative impacts and promoting sustainability
Aesthetic Responsibility - by creating beauty in the community, Landscape and culture, the family consolidates and makes lasting the success it has created through the Enterprise.
There is a need to identify a robust and flexible approach to the "Handovers" of companies, to preserve all their know-how and value, while placing them in a broader framework of innovation and modernity. There can be no standard procedure-each story is its own story-but methodically focusing on the essential elements that constitute the distinctive quality of products and services can make handover transfers smoother and more effective.
Every Transition in business ownership is a process that affects the identity of the founders, before the organization of the business. For those who have imprinted their personal image on the company, the time comes to let that image become different, so that it will continue to live and grow with an identity independent of those who created it. In particular, in introducing new managerial figures into the company (General Management, HR, Finance...) and in entrusting them to outsiders, those who founded the enterprise are called to think and act according to new patterns, which we can summarize in some general propositions:
o I created this company, but I am not this company.
o I own the legal ownership, facilities or tools, but not the future
o Now I want to help others develop the company, not (just) finish my project
o Now I want to generate new value around me, leaving the ongoing "doing" to others.